Powerful Dua To Break Haram And Unlawful Relationship

Assalam Alaikum, Today, we will talk about Haram or unlawful relationships and give you a Dua To Break Haram And Unlawful Relationship. This article could help you stop an illegal affair of your or your loved one.

If you are with someone and don’t intend to marry them, that kind of relationship will be called a Haram relationship. If you are in a haram relationship with anyone, you are committing a big sin in the eyes of Almighty Allah (SWT). So it’s better to get rid of such relationships as soon as possible.

The Dua to Break Haram Relationship can help you if your husband is cheating with you. It’s a Really hard situation for a woman if her husband cheats on her. But sister, you don’t have to worry. Just read the Dua to break the relationship carefully and get back with your husband.

Suppose your loved one, like your husband, brother, sister, mother, father, or son, is in any unlawful relationship. In that case, you can perform this “Dua To Break Haram And Unlawful Relationship” for their sake. By reading the dua to stop illegal relationships, you can save them from committing crimes.

There are many ways to break an unlawful or haram relationship, but the most effective way is through a wazaif or dua. Using a wazaif is a simple process that anyone can perform with the right intention and regularity. However, reciting the supplication with full dedication and faith is important. It is also recommended to recite the supplication after the obligatory prayer of Isha.

Dua to Break Haram and Unlawful Relationship

Here is the step by step process to perform Dua To Break Haram And Unlawful Relationship – 

  1. After Isha Prayer, stay on Your prayer mat.
  2. Then recite the following verse of Surah-Al-Imran (3:173) as much time as possible.
  3. Hasbunallahu Wa ni’mal Wakeel
  4. Now imagine the person’s face for whom you are performing this Dua and blow on his face.

You have to continue this process for 41 days. You can’t skip this method for a single day. Keeping faith in Almighty will help to get positive results soon.

Dua to Break Haram and Unlawful Relationship, Wazifa to stop Illegal Relationship
Read Dua to Break Haram and Unlawful Relationship step by step process.

Using Dua to break Haram and unlawful relationships is a great way to protect yourself and your lover from a shady relationship. If you have to leave your lover to end a haram relationship, you should do that. The Dua To Forget Someone will help you in this process.

Steps To Perform Wazifa to stop Illegal Relationship –

  1. First of all, make fresh ablution.
  2. Recite Durood-E-Ibrahim seven times.
  3. Now Recite “Al-Mani” The pak name of Allah 5000 times.
  4. Again Read Durood-E-Ibrahim seven times.
  5. Also, remember to keep the reason in your mind.
  6. In the end, ask Allah to stop Illegal relationships.

If you find out that your partner has been cheating on you, then it is a good idea to read the supplication three times a day for eleven days. The Powerful wazifa to break unlawful relationships will help you live a sin-free life.

Wazifa to stop Illegal Relationship, Dua to Break Haram and Unlawful Relationship
Read Wazifa to stop Illegal Relationship step by step.

Are you in a haram relationship and want to make it legal? Read Powerful Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person and change the unlawful thing to pak relationship.

How to repent from Haram Relationship in Islam?

  1. First of all, say “Astaghfirullah” 1000 times.
  2. Then read the following verse 101 times.
  3. ”Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Anta Khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana ‘ala ahdika wa wa’dika mastata’tu, A’udhu bika min Sharri ma sana’tu, abu’u Laka bini’matika ‘alaiya, wa Abu Laka bidhanbi faghfirli innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta.”
  4. After that, recite Surah Yusuf verse no. (12:86) 1000 times.
  5. In the end, Ask Allah for forgiveness and promise yourself that you will never do any sin again in your life.

Leaving a haram relationship is the best thing to leave sins and live a happy life with the grace of almighty Allah SWT. You can read Dua to break engagement if you are forced to marry someone you don’t like.

How to repent from Haram Relationship in Islam?, Dua to Break Haram and Unlawful Relationship, Wazifa to stop Illegal Relationship
How to repent from Haram Relationship in Islam? To repent from Illegal or unlawful relationship read the method mentioned in this image.

Are you in love with someone and want to marry him, but he is not ready to marry you? You should read Dua for love marriage to marry your lover.

The Dua For Good Relationship Between Husband And Wife can be read if you can break the haram relationship of your husband and now you want him to be loyal to you. But if your husband doesn’t show love to you, read Dua for Making Someone Fall in Love With You.

It is also important to remember that Satan will do his best to prevent you from ending the unlawful relationship and keep you in a haram situation. In addition, you should avoid engaging in haram activities while performing a supplication.

Video Explanation of Dua To Stop Illegal Relationships:

Things To Consider Before Starting Dua To Break Haram And Unlawful Relationship –

  • Firstly, Always make a fresh wuzu (ablution) before starting the Dua to break a relationship.
  • Make sure your intentions are pure and true.
  • Only perform if you are sure that someone has a haram relationship.
  • Never perform on suspicion.
  • Most importantly women have to avoid during periods.

If you and your partner live in a different city and you fear that they might cheat on you, you can recite Dua For Long Distance Relationship; it will keep your relationship strong.

If you have any doubts or questions about Dua breaking the unlawful relationship mentioned above, you can consult Mr Bilal Khan on WhatsApp.

The Dua To Make Relationship Stronger is helpful for every husband and wife. It helps strengthen the bond of love between a couple.


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