As Muslims, we know that marriage is a blessed union between two individuals and two families. It is natural to feel excitement on the first night of marriage, but it is important to remember to ask Allah for blessings. By reciting the Dua for the first night of marriage, we invite Allah’s blessings into our new life together and pray for a happy marriage.
Marriage is a significant milestone in our lives, and as Muslims, we should always remember Allah’s guidance and blessings in everything we do. The Dua for the first wedding night is considered a powerful prayer that can bring happiness and joy to our married life. All duas for marriage on our website are taken from the Quran and will help you live a happy and noble life.
If you are preparing for your wedding night and want to start your journey with Allah’s blessings, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the benefits and significance of reciting the Dua for the first night of marriage in Islam. Remember, some things are prohibited in Islam before marriage, but they are encouraged after marriage as they are a part of worship.
By reciting the Dua for the first night of marriage, you invite Allah’s blessings into your life and pray for a happy and prosperous future with your partner. So, let us remember Allah’s blessings and guidance as we embark on this new journey together.
Benefits of Reading Dua for Wedding Night:
- Asking for Allah’s blessing before starting a new chapter in your life will bring his blessings to you and your partner.
- Dua will keep you both safe from Satan, remove evil eyes, and negative energies.
- Reading a dua means establishing a strong foundation for a new relationship. It means a newly married couple wants to start their life on the principles of faith, trust, and commitment, laying the groundwork for a strong and enduring relationship.
- Reading wedding dua will help you live a happy married life.
- It sets a positive tone between the couple as they both will know how much they appreciate each other and want to make their relationship solid with Allah SWT’s blessings.
Dua For The First Night of Marriage (Wedding) In Islam
The groom must perform this dua for the marriage on the first night. The husband should place his hands on his wife’s forehead and recite the following verse (given in the image below).
Reference: Abu Dawud 2/248 and Ibn Majah 1/617. See also Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Majah 1/324.
Recite this prayer when seeing your wife in your bedroom on your first wedding night, as this dua is a way to ask Allah for protection and blessing for your wife.
Dua Before Sexual Intimacy (Intercourse)
On the first night of marriage, when a husband wants to make love to his wife for the first time, he should perform the following dua:
Reference: Narrated by Bukhari, No. 6388; Muslim, No. 1434; Abu Dawud, No. 2161; At Tirmidhi, No. 1092
In Islam, there is no obligation to perform sex on the first night of marriage. As it depends on the situation, sometimes marriage functions take longer to get over. First, sexual intercourse depends on the will of the newlywed couple. As a husband, you should respect her decision and not force anything on her.
If a couple faces difficulty conceiving a baby, they can recite dua to get pregnant.
Dua for Ejaculation
Recite the following prayer before ejaculation after intercourse:
Allaahumma laa taj’Al lish shayTaani feemaa razaqtanii naSeebaa
(Hisnul Hasin)
Translation: O Allaah let there be no share for the devil in what you grant us
Performing Two Rakaah Sunnat Salah With Wife
A newlywed couple should pray on their first night together. The couple should perform wudu (Ablution) and perform two rakaat salah on their wedding night. Make sure to start your new journey with blessings from Allah SWT. A wife can recite Dua for husband love if her husband is not giving her proper attention and care.
It is reported that if you do not recite these prayers, then Shaitan will participate in all your activities with your beloved wife. When a person recites these Duas on the first night of the wedding, Allah protects you from shaitan (devil) and evil.
Islamic Etiquette On The Wedding Night
- The newlywed couple should start their wedding night with a positive and open mindset.
- First of all, it is important to know each other properly before starting anything sexually.
- It is a new beginning of your life, so you should maintain a loving atmosphere.
- Modesty is highly appreciated in Islam, so both partners should maintain it and avoid engaging in inappropriate behaviour or discussions.
- Intimacy is a beautiful and natural aspect of marriage, but you should maintain the boundaries set by Islam.
- You should start your wedding night with prayers. Seeking Allah’s blessings and guidance before starting the new phase of life so it can bring immense spiritual benefits.
- Lastly, the wedding night should be approached with love, respect, and care for one another’s feelings. Both partners should prioritize each other’s comfort and pleasure, ensuring that their actions are consensual and mutually satisfying.