5 Powerful Dua to Save marriage from Divorce ( Wazifa to Stop Divorce)

Assalam Alaikum, Today’s topic is very sensitive. Our “Dua to stop divorce” had already helped thousands of married couples to live their life together happily.

Everyone knows how painful it is to leave a loved one forever. Divorce is only helpful if both men and women are not happy with their marriage.

In some cases, only one person wants to get a divorce while the other person wants to stay. If you, too, are in such a situation, then don’t worry.

This post will provide you with enough information about Wazifa to Stop Divorce. We will also mention Dua to save marriage from divorce below.

The Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart is the best dua for a wife who wants their husband to give complete attention to her.

Before starting this post, we will request you to please read the whole article carefully because half information is of no use.

If you want to get rid of your problem by Almighty Allah (SWT), then wazifas and dua to stop divorce and save marriage are very powerful.

How to Stop Divorce In Islamic Way?

It’s a humble request, don’t forget to share this powerful dua to stop divorce because it can save someone’s life.

Marriage is a relation between two families, and when a marriage ends with a divorce, it affects so many people’s emotions.

If someone performs Dua to stop divorce with full faith in Almighty Allah (SWT), then nobody could break their marriage. It is also helpful if any other woman is trying to break your wedding.

The Dua to stop divorce can easily save your marriage from the evil eye of people. Sometimes people start to get jealous after seeing a happy couple.

Method to Perform Dua to Stop Divorce in 5 Simple Steps

Dua to Stop Divorce

Do you want to ask Allah to stop divorce? Follow these steps of Dua to stop divorce if you want to avoid your divorce –

  1. Start on Wednesday morning

    Make sure you are in the form of wuzu (Ablution).

  2. Just after fajr salat, recite Durood Sharif eleven times

    You can recite any Durood Sharif which you remember properly.

  3. Then recite following ayat 100 times

    “Ihasbiyal laahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul ‘Arshil ‘Azeem”

  4. Again recite Durood Sharif

    You have to recite the same durood which you have recited in the start of dua.

  5. Now make a dua from Allah to stop your divorce and fill your married life with happiness.

    Also, remember you have to keep imagining your husband or wife while performing the dua.

Important note before starting the Wazifa to prevent divorce:-

  • You have to perform this ‘Dua to stop divorce’ for 21 days.
  • Women should not perform this amal during their menses/periods.
  • You should take permission before starting it.
  • Always keep your wish in your mind while performing this dua.

Read Dua To Get Your Husband Back if your partner has left you and you want them back.

Here is Surah to Save Marriage Step by Step –

  1. Make fresh wuzu.
  2. Read Durood-E-Ibhrahimi five times.
  3. Then recite verse 14 from Surah Hud (Fa il lam yastajeeboo lakum fa’lamooo annamaaa unzilla bi’ilmil laahi wa al laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa fahal antum muslimoon).
  4. Again read Durood-E-Ibhrahimi five times.
  5. In the end, Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to save your marriage from divorce.

Follow this method for 21 days continuously, and you will see your situation is improving. Before starting Wazifa or Dua to stop divorce, please read the Rules of performing any Dua.

The Dua to make someone fall in love with you can help you make your partner love you unconditionally, which will help you save your marriage from divorce.

Surah to Save Marriage from Divorce
Method to perform Surah to Save Marriage from Divorce

The Dua to get what you want can also help you. Don’t worry about the results you will surely get the results after performing this dua to stop divorce.

Dua to Save Marriage from Divorce

It’s the best option for you if you feel nothing is going well between you both. The “Dua to save marriage from divorce” is a precaution for you if you think your marriage can end with divorce. Nowadays, husband-wife problems are becoming widespread.

This dua is beneficial and trusted because many of our readers tried it and given a positive response.

Hope after performing Dua to Save Marriage everything will be fine between you both. To get the best output, please follow all the rules and regulations mentioned for it.

We are giving this dua as a wife is performing for his husband. If you are a man and you want to implement it for your wife, then you can also follow all the steps as mentioned. Also, read Dua for love back of your husband.

Dua to save marriage from divorce
Save a Marriage From Divorce Through Dua

If you have any problem in performing dua, then you can ask us to deliver on your behalf. We will do our best to help you.

The Dua To Get Your Husband Back can also help you in solving divorce problem. According to us, we had mentioned everything in this post.

If you still have any doubts, then you can consult us anytime. You can message us on WhatsApp.

If there is some problem between husband and wife that let to the divorce circumstances, then Dua To Reunite Husband And Wife is helpful. Why wait for the situation to go out of hand? Recite this wazifa in the early stage of a dispute, and you can easily avoid divorce.

Wazifa To Save a Marriage From Divorce and Stop Divorce

If you want to save your marriage from Divorce, Islamic Wazifa and Dua can help you.

To perform the wazifa to save a marriage, you need to perform two rakats salat after Isha salah on Friday. After each prayer, recite surah ad Duha 11 times; after the salam, recite ALLAAHUMMA AH’ABBANEE ILAA QALBI this dua 41 times.

You need to perform this Dua to stop the Divorce for 41 days, and you will find your problems with your mate are getting solved. Husband-wife relationship is so beautiful and precious, so don’t ruin it by getting a Divorce.

Advantages of Reading Dua To stop Divorce and Save marriage:

There are many benefits of reading halal Islamic Dua to save marriage from Divorce. Some of the advantages are as follows –

  • Reading this dua will help to increase love and understanding between a couple.
  • A newly married couple should recite Dua To Strengthen and Repair Marriage, so they never face any problems in their married life.
  • Dus is the most powerful method to ask Allah to help you, and its effects last forever.
  • The Dua to stop Divorce is so powerful that it can change your partner’s heart in a few days, and they will drop the idea of Divorce forever.
  • If you read the Dua with faith and the proper Islamic way, Allah SWT will answer your prayers.
  • Dua to save marriage can help remove negative energy or forces between husband and wife.

What does Islam (Prophet Muhammad) say about Divorce?

We all know that marriage is a contract made between a man and woman in front of Allah SWT, and Divorce will mean breaking that contract made before god, so we should avoid Divorce. Islam does not differentiate between a man and a woman in marital issues. Both have equal rights, but some people make their own rules.

Although Shari’ah Law allows Divorce, in the Hadith, Abdullah ibn Umar reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, The most detestable of lawful things before Allah is Divorce. So although Divorce is allowed, Muslims should try to avoid it, if possible.

Suppose you are having extreme difficulty living with each other, then you can take a Divorce. Talking about separation due to misunderstandings or small fights is insane.

How can a couple avoid Divorce in Islam?

There is a list of things you can do to prevent your marriage from Divorce in Islam:

  • Understand Each Other Well.
  • Taking Care of Each Other Equally.
  • Avoid Arguments As Much As Possible.
  • solve your fight Before Sleep.
  • Treat Each Other with Love and Kindness.
  • Don’t Talk About your private matters to anyone.

If a couple stays loyal and calm, their marriage will be happy and peaceful. Don’t say anything wrong in anger and when you are not in your senses. If you want to live a happy life with your partner, then perform all prayers daily and try to resolve your argument as soon as possible. If a woman recites Dua To Stop Fight Between Husband and Wife, she will never have to face a situation of divorce.

Remember, while duas are a way to seek guidance and help, it is also important to communicate openly with your spouse and seek professional advice if necessary.

Frequently asked questions about Dua to Stop Divorce:

What Dua Can I read to save my marriage?

To save your marriage from divorce or separation you need to recite “Ya Allaho Ya Rehmano Ya Raheemo” 101 times after every prayer. Keep doing this Dua To Save My Marriage for 21 days continuously and Insha Allah you will see positive results. Women should make sure to avoid this wazifa during periods.

How many days do I have to recite this Dua?

You have to perform Dua to stop and prevent divorce for 21 days. After starting this Wazifa you will start to feel the difference in your partner’s behavior within seven days.

What Dua Can I read to save my marriage?

You can read Dua for husband love to save your marriage. Make a fresh wuzu and read Surah al Quraysh (chapter 106). Now breathe on the rose, and you and your husband should smell that rose. In this way, you can save your marriage from divorce.


Here are a few testimonials for the Dua to Stop Divorce from the website:

Testimonial 1: Fatima A. “I was at a breaking point in my marriage and felt hopeless. After learning about the Dua to Stop Divorce, I started reciting it daily with sincere faith. Miraculously, my husband and I began to communicate better and resolve our issues. This dua truly saved our relationship and brought us closer together. Alhamdulillah!”

Testimonial 2: Ahmed R. “Divorce seemed imminent for my wife and me, and I was desperate for a solution. I came across the Dua to Stop Divorce and began to pray earnestly for guidance and reconciliation. Slowly but surely, our love was reignited. We’re now happier than ever, and I can’t thank this dua enough for restoring our marriage!”

Testimonial 3: Sarah M. “I had almost given up on my marriage when I discovered the Dua to Stop Divorce on this site. I committed to reciting it with faith, and over time, my husband began to show more affection and understanding. It was a gradual process, but this dua made a significant impact in our lives. I highly recommend it to anyone facing similar struggles!”

11 thoughts on “5 Powerful Dua to Save marriage from Divorce ( Wazifa to Stop Divorce)”

  1. Asalamu alaikkum. I would like to thank the writer of this website. This wazifa helped me to stop my divorce. I really don’t know how I can thank you brother.

  2. I have used the above wazifas to save my marriage from divorce. If someone is reading my comment I want you to know Allah can help us making any situation right for us. We only need proper guidance and believe me Bilal sir is best you can get in the world. Thanks A lot Bilal khan sir.


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